Knowledge articles and information in support of IT services related to the management of academic course materials that facilitate teaching and learning (e.g., videos, documents, spreadsheets) and that facilitate teaching and learning using online portals.
Access TEVALs from a previous semester by using the Show Previous Semester button at the bottom of the Evaluation List page.
Add the My Mediasite App in Canvas
Adding a supported third-party app in Canvas.
Assign attendance with the K-State Attendance app in Canvas
How to delete a Mediasite video.
The Canvas Mobile App is another way students can view Canvas quickly and easily and can be downloaded to an Android device.
How to Embed a Collection of Mediasite videos in a Module
How to embed a Mediasite video in a Canvas Assignment.
Canvas: Embedding a Mediasite Video into a module.
Embedding a Mediasite video into a Canvas Quiz
Canvas: Exclude an assignment from final course grade.
Outline how to enable and set a signature for Canvas Inbox
Outlines the interface changes with the discussions/announcements redesign set for 7/20/2024
Mediasite Editor: Video Save Jobs Quickly Fail
This article gives you a guide on how to record with Mediasite Mosaic.
Windows users who have installed Mediasite Mosaic version 2.10 or earlier need to manually upgrade to the current version due to a change in how future automatic updates will be distributed.
Mediasite: "Mediasite LTI Error"
In Canvas, credit courses are automatically created, via KSIS, at the section level. So you will have one Canvas course for each section in KSIS. In the Canvas interface and documentation this is called Cross-listing. At K-State and in KSIS, this is called Merging.
Muting an assignment in the New Gradebook in Canvas.
How to use Mediasite's video editor to easily delete portions of your presentation.
Outline new "Manage Due Dates and Assign To" interface and a few new places they show up in.
Details on TEVAL admin tools
Processing Scantrons with different question sets in Canvas.
Registering for training classes in HRIS.
How to remove a navigation item from a Canvas course.
Summary of Respondus LockDown browser
Online TEVAL application for evaluation list.
Why won't my File Upload Assignment finish submitting in Canvas?