Online TEVAL: TEVAL Evaluation List


Evaluation list in the TEVAL application.


  • Faculty
  • Staff




The evaluation list functions as your home page within the TEVAL application.

  1. Evaluation List: displays your list of current TEVALs.
  2. Help: opens a directory of TEVAL help articles in a new tab or window.
  3. Section Heading: displays which semester's TEVALs are listed.
  4. New TEVAL button: allows you to create a new TEVAL.
  5. List of current TEVALs: displays each TEVAL, giving its course, section, type, status, and options.
  6. Previous semester button: loads the TEVAL list for the previous semester. Previous TEVALs are displayed below the current semester.

For assistance with TEVAL, please contact one of the following:

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Access TEVALs from a previous semster by using the Show Previous Semester button at the bottom of the Evaluation List page.