Students can enroll in a class in KSIS using the steps below.
Sign in to KSIS with your eID and password.
Go to the Enrollment Tile
Make sure you are on the Enroll Tab - The Add Option
Select the term you want to enroll
Once you have the course you will be at the next step:
If Applicable - Select the desired Grading basis or number of units and click Next
Click Wait list if the class is full for the class if no seats are left and if you want to be on the wait list.
Repeat the above steps until you have all of your classes for the term in your Shopping Cart
- Click Proceed to Step 2 of 3.
- Confirm the class selections and then click Finish Enrolling.
Note: You will be informed of which enrollments were successful and which enrollments failed and any reasons for the failure of the enrollments.