Viewing Advisor Information and notifying your Advisor in KSIS


This article provides steps for students to view adviser information in KSIS.


  • Students


  • KSIS


  1. Sign in to KSIS with your eID and password. 
  2. Click Student Center.
  3. In the Advisor box, click Details

    Picture of the Advisor area in KSIS
  4. To email an advisor, check the Notify box for that advisor.
  5. Click Notify Selected Advisors

    Picture of the My Advisors area with Notify highlighted
  6. Write the message and click Send Notification

    Note: This message is sent from the student to the selected advisor(s). The student receives a copy as well (BCC'd).
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Article ID: 89
Wed 5/25/22 10:06 AM
Mon 2/26/24 2:11 PM

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