Provide steps on accessing the KSU Advisor Center in KSIS and the information included.
The KSU Advisor Center is accessible to advisors and others who have been granted the advising role in KSIS. See Getting Started - How To Get Access (https://www.k-state.edu/ksis/help/gettingstarted/) for more info.
To access the KSU Advisor Center:
- Log in to KSIS with your K-State eID and password.
- Click the KSU Advisor Center tile.
- The KSU Advisor Center is displayed. Tabs to other KSIS locations are also available.
- KSU Advisor Center functions include:
- Bulk operations
- Manage Advisee Groups & Filters
- All Advisees (information and links)
How do advisees get added to my Advisee list?
Advisees are added to the Advisee list if:
- They are assigned to you as their advisor.
- You manually added them to your list using the Manage Additions function.
- They are delegated by another to an advisor (coming attraction).
Advisees are displayed in your advisee list using the following considerations:
- An advisee remains in your KSU Advisor Center as long as they are active in the program with which you are associated.
- A student might be associated with you in the KSU Advisor Center in multiple rows due to multiple active programs, plans, or sub-plans.
- If a student is associated with you in more than one row, only one row per student is visible at a time.
- The default visible row for students with multiple rows is determined by the following rules:
- Show ‘Assigned’ rows before ‘Added’ rows.
- Show the first row when rows are sorted by program/plan/sub plan.
- Rows for a student that are not selected to be visible by default, can be made visible using Advisee Groups and Filters.
Joe Student is active in program ASUDG and plans BHIST-BS and you are assigned as his advisor.
When you go to KSU Advisor Center, you see Joe Student, ASUDG, BHIST-BS row.
Joe Student starts a secondary major in ASUDG/BGEOG-BA.
The next time you go to KSU Advisor Center, you see Joe Student, ASUDG, BGEOG-BA. Even though you are the advisor for ASUDG/BHIST-BS, all active ASUDG plans are brought into KSU Advisor Center. The default hides plans that are not alphabetically first.
To see the ASUDG, BHIST-BS row, use Groups & Filters. Create a Filter with BHIST-BS selected from the Plan dropdown list. Select Run Filter.
Joe Student transfers out of ASUDG and into BAUDG/BACCTG.
The next time you go to KSU Advisor Center, Joe Student is not visible. He is no longer active in the program (ASUDG) with which you have an association.
Jane Student is active in program ASUDG and plans BHIST-BS and you are assigned as her advisor.
The next time you go to KSU Advisor Center, you see Jane Student, ASUDG, BHIST-BS row.
Jane is admitted to Graduate school and becomes active in ASGDG/MHIST.
The next time you go to KSU Advisor Center, you see Jane Student, ASUDG, BHIST-BS row.
Because you are not associated with this student in the ASGDG program, this row is not brought into your KSU Advisor Center.
You add ASGDG for Jane via the Manage Additions functionality. |
The next time you go to KSU Advisor Center, you see Jane Student, ASUDG, BHIST-BS.
Although you added ASGDG in the Manage Additions, the default shows programs that you are officially assigned as an advisor over those that you added via Manage Additions.
To see the ASGDG, MHIST row, Groups & Filters. Create a filter, selecting MHIST from the Plan dropdown list. Select Run Filter.
Jane completes her BHIST program.
Now you see the ASGDG/MHIST row as the default.
Information provided for advisees in the My Advisees grid:
Column |
Content |
Checkbox |
A checkbox by which you can select or deselect an advisee for bulk actions. |
Name |
The advisee's name is a hyperlink. Selecting the hyperlink will access detailed information on the advisee. |
Transfer Student |
Yes, means the advisee is classified as a transfer student, No means advisee is not classified as a transfer student.
The definition for a "Transfer Student" is A student who takes transfer hours after their high school graduation date and before they come to K-State, except for the hours in the summer between high school graduation and the first fall semester after high school graduation. |
Empl ID |
An advisee's internal PeopleSoft identifier. |
An advisee's K-State identifier. |
Email |
A hyperlink to the advisee's email address. Selecting this link will allow you to email an advisee from within KSIS. |
Last Enrolled Term |
The most recent term that an advisee was enrolled at K-State. |
Future Enrolled Term |
The next fall or spring term that an advisee is enrolled at K-State unless the only future term is a summer term. In that case, the summer term will be displayed. |
Level |
The advisee's current level at K-State: Graduate Masters, Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshman, Non-Degree Graduate |
Multiple Plans |
Yes indicates the advisee has multiple active plans, No indicates they do not. |
Program |
The advisee's active program. |
Plan |
The advisee's action plan. |
SubPlan |
The advisee's active subplan. |
Acad Standing |
The advisee's Academic Standing at K-State in relation to their career. |
The advisee's accumulative K-State GPA in relation to their career. |
Advising Hold |
A red A means the advisee has one or more advising holds, a green plus which means they do not have an advising hold. |
Risk |
A green SSC indicates a low risk of degree completion, a mustard SSC indicates a moderate risk of degree completion, a purple SSC indicates a high risk of degree completion. A question mark is displayed when there is not enough data to calculate an advisee's risk of degree completion, or a blank if the advisee's information is not available. |