General information about Respondus LockDown Browser, its availability and general recommended use
At K-State Respondus LockDown Browser is currently licensed only by the College of Business Administration, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Health and Human Sciences and the K-State English Language Program. If you work with one of those units, you can contact your IT staff for assistance in using this tool.
For a discussion on licensing Respondus LockDown Browser for another unit, please request a follow-up from academic technology services.
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas. When students use LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit it for grading.
When enabled for a quiz, the student receives a prompt to download the Respondus LockDown Browser application and install it before they can access the quiz. This link is set up specifically for K-State, students should not download and install other LockDown Browser for quiz taking at K-State. When the student begins taking the quiz, the student is locked into the quiz until it is submitted for grading.
Respondus LockDown Browser prevents the student from:
- Opening additional browser windows
- Using other browsers
- Accessing other websites
- Opening additional applications or files
- Using a printer
Note: We strongly recommend that instructors inform students to use an Ethernet (wired) Internet connection while taking an exam in Respondus Lockdown Browser. They are more likely to run into problems due to dropped/interrupted WiFi connections than when using a wired connection. If they do lose their Internet connection during the exam, it will lock up the browser and not allow them to save answers, move on to other questions, submit or exit the exam.
We also recommend that instructors have a practice quiz so that students can be sure that there won't be any issues with Respondus LockDown Browser during a graded exam.
Additional Information