This procedure walks you through the many things you can do with course lists using Exception Mode in DARS/uAchieve self-service. The document will cover force approvals, edits, and the advanced exceptions icon.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only use this function if running HTML audits. It is not compatible with PDF audits.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only the Office of the Registrar is authorized to engage with University requirements (Such as Undergraduate Degree Requirements, K-State Core, etc.). Violators will have their exception access removed.
- DARS/uAchieve self-service
- While viewing the student's audit (HTML format only), click the Enter Exception Mode button.

- Course list exceptions are identified by the green icons. Select one to jump to that area.
- Add Course
- Remove Course
- Swap Courses
Add Course
- Select the green plus icon. A right side menu will pop up. Type in the desired course to add to the course list OR select a course that the student has already completed (reference red outlined box). As you add courses, they will populate at the right.
Dept: Type in the subject area of the course you would like to add. Enter up to five characters.
Course: Type in the catalog number of the course you would like to add. Enter up to five characters.
Course List: For active students, a list of completed courses (KSU and transfer courses) that can be selected.

Note: If dealing with non-equivalent courses (such as ENGL /1:00, TRANS000001, etc.) use the course list to pick the course. Typing these courses out in the Dept and Course fields does not work. Students should have already completed these non-equivalent courses so they will always be available in the course list (red outlined box).
Click Next.
- Next, review your alterations and fill in any remaining applicable fields. If you made a mistake, return to the previous page by clicking Back or the Add Course tab.
Restrict to this Degree Program: If selected, it will apply this exception to the current degree program only. Occasionally, the same requirement could be used in multiple degree programs. Selecting this prevents the exception from influencing other audits for the student.
Restrict to this Requirement: This is set by default. If not selected, the effect impacts ALL requirements in the audit. It is NOT recommended you deselect this option.
Audit Note: Text here will display under the course title.
Memo: Used for internal purposes and optional.
Authorized By: Defaults to your user ID.
Date: Defaults to current date. This date should resemble the date the exception was added (it does not influence if/when the exception takes effect).

Click Save & run Audit.
- The audit will re-generate with your newly applied exception. Check to ensure it applied.
Note: There are occasionally cache delays. You may need to clear your cache or re-run the audit again to see changes.

Remove Course
- Select the green minus icon. A right side menu will pop up. Select the desired courses to remove. As you add courses, they will populate at the right.

Click Next.
- Next, review your alterations and fill in any remaining applicable fields. If you made a mistake, return to the previous page by clicking Back or the Remove Course tab.
Restrict to this Degree Program: If selected, it will apply this exception to the current degree program only. Occasionally, the same requirement could be used in multiple degree programs. Selecting this prevents the exception from influencing other audits for the student.
Restrict to this Requirement: This is set by default. If not selected, the effect impacts ALL requirements in the audit. It is NOT recommended you deselect this option.
Audit Note: Text here will display under the course title.
Memo: Used for internal purposes and optional.
Authorized By: Defaults to your user ID.
Date: Defaults to current date. This date should resemble the date the exception was added (it does not influence if/when the exception takes effect).

Click Save & Run Audit.
- The audit will re-generate with your newly applied exception. Check to ensure it applied.
Note: There are occasionally cache delays. You may need to clear your cache or re-run the audit again to see changes.
Note: In this example, CHM 210 was removed. However, CHM 220 is now visible. This is because CHM 220 was hidden behind CHM 210 to allow students to bring in either option. Since we removed CHM 210, the hidden rule was broken and CHM 220 now displays. Another exception can be added to remove CHM 220 in addition to CHM 210.

Swap Courses
- Select the green swap arrow icon. A right side menu will pop up. Select the desired courses to swap out (remove). As you add courses, they will populate at the right.

Click Next.
- Select the desired courses to swap in (add). As you add courses, they will populate at the right.
Dept: Type in the subject area of the course you would like to add. Enter up to five characters.
Course: Type in the catalog number of the course you would like to add. Enter up to five characters.
Course List: For active students, a list of completed courses (KSU and transfer courses) that can be selected (see red box area).

Click Next.
- Next, review your alterations and fill in any remaining applicable fields. If you made a mistake, return to the previous page by clicking Back or the Swap Out/Swap In tabs.
Restrict to this Degree Program: If selected, it will apply this exception to the current degree program only. Occasionally, the same requirement could be used in multiple degree programs. Selecting this prevents the exception from influencing other audits for the student.
Restrict to this Requirement: This is set by default. If not selected, the effect impacts ALL requirements in the audit. It is NOT recommended you deselect this option.
Audit Note: Text here will display under the course title.
Memo: Used for internal purposes and optional.
Authorized By: Defaults to your user ID.
Date: Defaults to current date. This date should resemble the date the exception was added (it does not influence if/when the exception takes effect).

Click Save & Run Audit.
- The audit will re-generate with your newly applied exception. Check to ensure it applied.
Note: There are occasionally cache delays. You may need to clear your cache or re-run the audit again to see changes.

If you have questions or would like to report issues with an exception, please forward those to DARSassist@ksu.edu.