This procedure walks you through the steps to add a course substitution exception to a student audit. A course substitution will allow you to swap a course (completed or pending) for another course completed by the student.
- DARS/uAchieve self-service
- From the student profile menu, select Exceptions.
Note: Depending on the size of your screen, you may need to expand the student menu by clicking Student Menu.

- Click Add Exception.

- Select Course Substitution or the CS code.

- First, add your target courses to be substituted. To avoid additional clicks, you MUST add your courses first BEFORE filling in the exception fields. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Course (part 1).

- Fill in the fields to add the target courses to the course list.
Course: List the target course that is to be replaced. The format is *****##### where * resembles the subject area and # resembles the catalog number. Note there are 10 characters so that you can type in non-equivalent courses such as ENGL-1:01.
Replacement Course: List the course to replace the target course. The format is *****##### where * resembles the subject area and # resembles the catalog number. Note there are 10 characters so that you can type in non-equivalent courses such as ENGL-1:01.
Match Control: IF you are listing multiple rows of courses in the course list. You can use the match control to connect the courses. For example a mach code of "&" connects your courses in the course list as "target course AND target course". The match control only takes effect between course rows, it does not influence the relationship of a target course and replacement course in the same row.
Year Term Range: Enter a target term or range if applicable. For example, entering 20245 will target a course substitution IF the target course was completed Fall 2024. You can also enter a range such as 20245 99999 (a space is required in between) so that the substitution only happens if the target course was completed Fall 2024 or later in the student career. The format is YYYYTT where Y is equal to the four digit year and T is equal to the term (2 = Spring, 4 = Summer, 5 = Fall).
Click Add To List.

Your course list will accumulate below. Use the edit icon to edit a course row. Check the remove box and then Remove to remove a course from the list. When finished adding courses, click Return.

- Your courses will now appear at the bottom of the exception.
Note: If you are unable to see all of the courses due to various reasons, navigate back to Add Course to review your entire course list.

- Fill in the fields of the exception (part 2).
Pseudo-Course Name: Enter the target pseudo course name. For most sub-requirements, there is an ACCEPTED pseudo (courses in the course list) and a REJECT pseudo (courses in the "Not From" course list). The format is *****##### where * resembles the subject area and # resembles the catalog number. Note there are 10 characters so that you can type in non-equivalent courses such as ENGL-1:01.
Year/Term: Not applicable in this type of exception. You can target a term in later steps
# of subReqs or Courses to Add or Subtract: Not applicable in this type of exception.
# of Hours to Add or Subtract: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Required GPA: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Add Code 1/2: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Remove Code 1/2: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Assign Condition Code: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Max Hours: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Max Hours Control: Not applicable in this type of exception.
Message displayed on audit: Text here will display under the course title.
Memo: Used for internal purposes and optional.
Authorized By: Defaults to your user ID.
Date: Defaults to current date. This date should resemble the date the exception was added (it does not influence if/when the exception takes effect).

Click Save.
- You will return to the exception menu.
- Click the code (CC for example) to see a general overview of the exception (no editing options).
- Click the edit icon to edit the exception.
- Select the delete box and then click Delete (at least one must be checked before active) to remove the exception.

- Re-run the audit to see the effects of your exception. Click the Audits drop down from the student menu. Select Request New.

Each exception is uniquely setup in DARS/uAchieve. The pages will look similar, but that does not mean all the fields are applicable for that exception. If you have questions or would like to report issues with an exception, please forward those to DARSassist@ksu.edu.