Search28 Results

Services or Offerings?
Business intelligence platforms, data warehouses, dashboards, analytics tools, transactional reporting, operational data stores, and data governance.

Ensuring that faculty and other course creators have the knowledge and assistance they need to optimize their effectiveness in using teaching and learning technologies, including e-text development and online course development.

Report an issue related to business intelligence platforms, data warehouses, dashboards, analytics tools, transactional reporting, operational data stores, and data governance.

Report an issue with K-State alerts or the digital signage systems.

Report an issue with any of the email and collaborations services provided.

Report an issue if a computer, device, or software are not working correctly.

Report an issue with existing software

Report an issue if a facilities management system is not working correctly.

Report an issue with Qualtrics or other polling and survey features.

Report an issue surrounding certificate management, VPN, or other related features.

Report an issue with any of the features related to this service.

Report an issue related to any part of database management.

Report an issue with any of the features related to integration services.

Report an issue with any of the features related to monitoring and alert management.

Report and issue related to compromised devices, investigation activities, eDiscovery, and law enforcement liaison.