Creating calendars in Outlook for the web


You can create multiple calendars in Outlook.This helps with keeping your calendars organized and easily viewable without out cluttering your primary calendar.



You can create multiple calendars in Outlook.This helps with keeping your calendars organized and easily viewable without out cluttering your primary calendar. 


  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff


  • Outlook for the web


  1. On the left side of the screen, click the Calendar icon to open the Outlook Web App's calendar section. 

  2. In the left-hand column of your screen, left-click the Add calendar button to create a new calendar.

  3.  Within the Add calendar window select the Create blank calendar navigation bar in the left-hand column.

  4. The Create blank calendar window will appear. Set a name for the calendar on the blue line, select a Color and Charm, and configure what group the calendar appears under in the Add to dropdown box. After doing this, click Save.

    Note: You must give the calendar a name before you are able to save it.

  5.  At the center of the Create calendar window, you can verify your calendar was created successfully when you see this notification appearing at the bottom of your screen.

  6.  On the Outlook Web App's calendar screen in the left-hand column, you can click the drop-down arrow for My calendars to view your calendars. The newly created calendar will be at the bottom of the list.



Article ID: 320
Wed 6/8/22 3:24 PM
Wed 1/22/25 4:20 PM

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