Instruction Mode and Delivery for Courses in KSIS

Tags KSIS Courses


Instructors can use Instruction Mode and Delivery for courses in KSIS.


  • Faculty
  • Staff


  • KSIS


Instruction Mode

Instruction Mode refers to how course content is delivered in what would traditionally be considered as the classroom. Many instructors use technological outlets such as KSOL to post notes, lecture slides, reading materials or other resources.

These uses of technology are considered supplemental to content delivery, so are not considered as content delivery for the purposes of this process.




  In Person (Default)
  Instructor is physically in the classroom and delivering content in a face-to-face format for ALLmeetings of the class.


  Distance (must also supply Attributes)
  Instructor is NOT physically in the classroom for any part of the class, and uses distance methods to deliver ALL of the course content.


  Hybrid (must also supply Attributes)
  Instructor is not physically in the classroom for PART of the class and uses distance methods to deliver parts that are not In Person.


  Guided Study
  Instructor-directed independent learning courses with set starting and ending dates that use technology to support regular and substantive   interaction between students and the instructor.  Includes: independent study, research hours, internships, student teaching, individual instruction, and all other course types that do not fit into the above categories.


Course Delivery Attributes/Values

When “Distance” or “Hybrid” Instruction Mode is selected, then also select delivery methods and percentage values; total must equal 100%.




  Where the students are receiving the course content ON THEIR OWN through the assistance of some form of technology, with the   opportunity to interact with the instructor at another point in time.


  Synchronous Videoconferencing
  Where the instructor is delivering the course content directly to the students at the SAME POINT IN TIME, just not in the same place, using a Non-web-based technology.


  Synchronous Web-based
  Where the instructor is delivering the course content directly to the students at the SAME POINT IN TIME, just not in the same place, using a Web-based technology.


  Where the instructor is physically in the classroom directly delivering course content to the students -- select onlyfor “Hybrid” Instruction Mode


  The total percentage must equal 100%

  Recommended percentages to use for delivery methods.

  5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 49% 50% 51% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%


  Attach the attributes to the "Enrollment" section only.


Example Values for Course Attributes and Values

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Article ID: 931
Tue 11/29/22 7:30 PM
Fri 2/2/24 10:47 AM