For information on pricing and a link to the SAS license request form, please visit https://www.k-state.edu/its/software/software-licenses/sas/index.html.
Once you have submitted a request form and received a notification that you've been granted access, you can download and install SAS using the steps in the "Installing" section.
If you already have SAS installed and purchased a license renewal, use the steps in the "Renewing License" section to download and apply the latest license file.
Visit the below OneDrive folder URL, and sign in with your K-State credentials: https://ksuemailprod.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/itacclientservices/Shared%20Documents/StatisticsSoftware/SAS?csf=1&web=1&e=PTSQzo
Click the Menu button next to the SAS_94_M6.zip file, and click Download. Allow the download to complete. The download size is approximately 25 GB so a reliable high-speed internet connection will be required.
Once the download completes, right-click the SAS_94_M6.zip file and click Extract All... Leave the default options selected and click Extract. Once the contents are finished extracting, double-click setup.exe.
On the Deployment Wizard screen, select the option to Install SAS software and click Next

Keep the default setting for SAS Home, then click Next and select the option to Install SAS Foundation and Related Software

Select SAS Foundation and related software in the drop-down menu at the top, then leave the default selections and click Next

Select the default options for the SAS Foundation Mode and the SAS Enterprise Guide Mode. On the Select SAS Foundation Products screen, leave the default selections and click Next

On the Specify SAS Installation Data File screen, browse to the SAS installation folder you downloaded in step 2 and open the sid_files directory. Select the SAS94_9CDWSM_70085183_Win_X64_Wrkstn.txt file

Select the desired language and region options. On the Default Product for SAS File Types screen, leave the default option selected and click Next.
Click Next to start the system check, then on the Deployment Summary screen, click Start to begin the installation.

Allow the installation to complete, then open the Start menu and launch SAS to ensure it opens without any errors. If you encounter any errors with installing or opening SAS, please get in touch with your department's IT support group for additional assistance.
Visit the below OneDrive folder URL, and sign in with your K-State credentials: https://ksuemailprod.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/itacclientservices/Shared%20Documents/StatisticsSoftware/SAS?csf=1&web=1&e=PTSQzo
Open the "License Files" folder, and find the license file corresponding to your installed version of SAS (9.3 or 9.4). Click the menu button to the right of the desired file and click Download.

- Open the Start menu on your computer, and launch the Renew SAS Software utility under the SAS folder.

- Select the option to Apply SAS Foundation license file for renewal, then click Next
- Click Browse... and locate the license file you downloaded in Step 2, then click Next.

- Click Start to apply the new license file, then click Next --> Finish to complete the process. Contact your department's IT support group for assistance if you encounter issues applying for the new license file.