eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, international roaming service that allows users access to a wireless network at an eduroam-enabled institution using their credentials from their home institution.

How do I access eduroam when I am a visitor at an eduroam-enabled institution?
Before traveling to other eduroam-enabled institutions, K-Staters can use the eduroam network to set up and test their connection. Be aware that the eduroam network has the same access restrictions as the KSU Guest network. KSU Wireless should remain your preferred network while on the K-State campus.
When visiting an eduroam-enabled institution:
- Open wireless network preferences.
- Click eduroam from the list of wireless network preferences.
Note: If the institution is eduroam-enabled, Euroa will be listed in the network preferences.
- Sign in with your K-State email address (eID@ksu.edu or eID@k-state.edu and eID password).
Note: eduroam, as a wireless network preference, is not used at your home institution. K-Staters accessing eduroam on campus will be on the KSU Guest network.
To find eduroam-enabled institutions in the U.S.
- Go to http://www.eduroam.us.
- Click the arrows to find active institutions.
Note: Active institutions are noted in green.
To find eduroam-enabled institutions worldwide:
- Go to http://www.eduroam.org/index.php?p=where.
- Click the links under the map to find institutions.
With eduroam your credentials are secured during the authentication process. Once connected to another institution's network, K-Staters will continue to need the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access K-State resources securely. To download and install the VPN client, go to
eduroam is a relatively new service in the U.S. The above information is how eduroam is intended to work. Users may encounter difficulties at an eduroam-enabled institution or home as this service evolves. According to the eduroam documentation, the standardization of this service will improve over time.