Server and Storage Management

Provisioning, hosting, and administration of physical and virtual servers and related storage. Includes the maintenance and provisioning of core storage capabilities such as server storage and database backups. 

 Designed For

  • IT Staff


  • Servers - Compute
    • Serverless
    • Container
    • EC2 
    • Linux
    • Windows
  • Lifecycle
    • Deployment
    • Retirement
    • Troubleshooting
    • Upgrades
    • Backup and Restore
    • Patching
    • Configuration

Get Started

  • Report a problem with any of the features related to this service
  • Request service to use any of the features related to this service
Report an issue Request service


Service ID: 33
Mon 4/18/22 11:51 AM
Fri 6/28/24 10:21 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Report an Issue with Server and Storage Management
Report an issue with any of the features related to the server and storage management service.
Request the Server and Storage Management Service
Request the service to request new service related to the serve and storage management features.