Creating a Filter for Advisees in the KSU Advisor Center


This article provides directions for Advisors on how to create Filters to organize their advisees.



Advisors in the KSU Advisor Center can create a filter for advisees. Filters are used to track a subset of advisees and as a starting point for one or more bulk operations, e.g, send email. 

The KSU Advisor Center also provides a set of pre-defined filters that can be saved and run repeatedly to create a subset of advisees.

Because an advisee's information can change over time, only those advisees that meet the filter criteria will appear in the filter results (a dynamic list). Filter results can also be saved as a group (a static list). Filters can be modified and deleted after they have been created. 


  • Advisors
  • Staff


  • KSIS


  1. Log in to KSIS with your K-State eID and password.
  2. Click the KSU Advisor Center tile.
  3. The All Advisees list is displayed.

    Picture of the All Advisees list
  4. Click the arrow next to Manage Advisee Groups & Filters to display My Groups (Static) and My Filters (Dynamic).

    Picture of the Manage Groups and Filters area
  5. Use the drop-down arrows to select one or more criteria.

    Picture of the Filter criteria
    Criteria Content
    Advisor Hold Adv Hold or No Hold depending on if the advisee has an Advisor Hold
    Acad (Academic) Standing List of available academic standings (dismissed, good, probation, reinstated, warning)
    App (Application) for Grad (Graduation) Yes or No if the advisee has applied for graduation
    Career List of available careers (grad, ugrd, etc...)
    Level List of available levels (senior, junior, sophomore, freshman, etc...)
    KSU GPA Range of GPA's to show, from 0.000 to 4.000
    Program List of available programs based on the advisee list content
    Plan List of available plans based on the advisee list content
    Sub Plan List of available sub plans based on the advisee list content
    Last Enrolled List of last enrolled semesters based on the advisee list content
    Future Enrolled List of future enrolled semesters based on the advisee list content
    Transfer Yes or No if the individual has transferred to K-State from another college/university

    Note: Most pick lists are based on the content of the advisee list when ALL advisees are shown to minimize selection of values that do not pertain to the advisee list, e.g. if the advisee list does not contact a Junior, Junior will not be offered as an option.
  6. Click Run Filter to see the results of the selected criteria.
  7. The My Advisees list will display those advisees who match the selected criteria. All advisees matching the criteria are selected by default.
  8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the desired results are achieved.
  9. Enter the filter name in the Name field.
  10. Click Create Filter.

    Note: If the filter name already exists, click YES to confirm updating the existing filter, otherwise continue
  11. The new filter will be shown in the My Filters (Dynamic) area. It will also appear in the *Filters & Groups drop-down list.
  12. Click the name of the filter to view advisees that match the saved criteria.



Article ID: 841
Tue 8/30/22 10:35 PM
Fri 3/1/24 5:07 PM

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