Maintain Schedule of Classes - Meetings tab


This article shows how ot add or remove an instructor in a class section.



The Meetings tab summarizes class information from the Basic Data tab while providing details about the:

  • Facility ID (room used)
  • Room Capacity and Pattern (the class days of the week and meeting times)
  • Start/End Date of the class.  

On this tab you can:

  1. View or update each class Section.
  2. Update or change the room used for a class.
  3. Update or change the days or times for class meetings.
  4. Update or change the instructor(s) for the class. 

Note: The last week of the Regular Session is left open for most rooms so they can be scheduled appropriately for final exams.

Related Facility/Room links:


  • Faculty
  • Staff


  • KSIS


Procedure - Adding or Updating the Meeting Pattern

  1. Follow the steps on Maintain Schedule of Classes - Basic Data tab
  2. Click the Meetings tab.
  3. Click to First see the first section.  Alternatively, use the arrow buttons to find the class section you need to update.

    Picture of the navigation buttons on the Meetings tab
  4. In the Meeting Pattern area, enter the following information:
    • Facility ID - room in which the class meets.
    • Pat (pattern) - days the class meets. MWF, TU, or others.
    • Mtg Start and Mtg End - times for the class to start and end. Default is 50 minutes.
    • Start/End Date - calendar days for the class to start and end. Default is start and end dates for the term. 

      • If the Pat is non-Standard, you can manually select the check boxes for the correct days.
      • The Mtg End defaults to 50 minutes. If the class is longer, manually update the Mtg End to the correct time.
      • The End Date defaults to the entire semester (16 weeks). Manually change the End Date to 7 days LESS than the term to free the room up for final exams. Otherwise, it is the last day of the class for Non-Standard classes.

Picture of the Meeting Pattern area


Procedure - Adding or Updating the Instructors for Meeting Pattern

  1. In the Instructors for Meeting PatternAssignment Tab, enter the following information:
    • The KSIS ID of the employee to assign to the class.  If necessary, click on the magnifying glass to search for the instructor by Last Name, First Name.
    • The Instructor Role for the person column, select the desired role.
    • Check the Print box if the employee should be listed in the class schedule.
    • In the Access column, select the desired level of access - Approve or Grade.
    • If more than one Instructor needs to be assigned to a class, click plus.
    • If an Instructor needs to be removed from the class, click minus.
  2. Click Save to save any Instructor changes.

    Picture of the Instructors for Meeting Pattern area


Field Name R/O Description

Enter a KSIS unique system identifier. An instructor, graduate assistant, teaching assistant, or staff member may be entered.

Example: 000123456

If the desired instructor is not displayed check the Instructor/Advisor Table to verify they are assigned to the correct Academic Org.  For more information see Add Approved Courses to an Instructor.

Note:  An Instructor can be changed at any time within a class at any time.  This ability is not restricted by the Class Scheduler deadlines.  After Class Scheduling closes for a term, use the "Schedule Class Meetings" page to change instructors.

Important:  The accuracy of Instructor information is essential for grading and reporting purposes.


Possible values are:

  • Prim Instr
  • Sec Instr
  • TA
  • Staff

Important: Every class must have at least one instructor set to "Prim Instr".

Print O

Select for EACH instructor that needs to be displayed in the class schedule.

Example: Enter Check in box to include instructor in class schedule

Access R

Level of grading security access each instructor is granted.

  • Approve – allowed to enter grades and approve grade roster for end of class grades
  • Grade –  allowed to enter grades only

Important:  Every class must have at least one instructor set to "Approve"

Note: This item may be set to "Grade" for TAs or other employees who will enter grades in KSIS for a class.  Some Departments have support staff members listed as Sec Instr with Grade or Approve access with the "Print" option UNCHECKED.



Room Characteristics  




Article ID: 458
Wed 7/6/22 4:32 PM
Mon 8/26/24 7:35 PM

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This article provide information for Maintaining Schedule of Classes in KSIS on the Basic Data tab