Modifying an Existing Filter in the KSU Advisor Center


This article describes how to update an Advisee Filter in the KSU Advisor Center.



Filters dynamically select advisees based on criteria. Filters that you create are saved in your KSIS account. Advisors may need to update an existing filter as their advisee population changes.


  • Advisors


  • KSIS


  1. Log in to KSIS with your K-State eID and password.
  2. Select the KSU Advisor Center tile.
  3. Click the arrow to expand the Manage Advisee Groups & Filters area.

    Picture of Groups and Filters
  4. Click the desired filter from My Filters (Dynamic) to select it. The related criteria display below:

    Picture of the Filter Criteria area and with Update Filter highlighted
  5. Change Filter criteria as desired.
  6. Click Update Filter to save the filter with the current name.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the update. Next time the Filter is run, it uses the updated criteria.

    Note: If you change the criteria then click Run Filter to see how the list of advisees changes, the Update Filter button changes to Create Filter. At that point, start at step 9 of the directions for Create a Filter to finish the update.


  • Filters and Groups work on the list of advisees displayed in your My Advisees grid.
    • This consists of advisees assigned to you, you have added, or that are delegated to you.
    • When an advisee no longer meets the Filter criteria they do not appear in the Filter or Group results.
  • It is possible to select criteria that no advisee matches.
    • This results in an empty My Advisees list.
    • Select another filter or group to re-display advisees.
    • The ALL filter displays all your advisees.



Article ID: 844
Tue 8/30/22 11:24 PM
Mon 11/6/23 12:43 PM

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