Creating registration forms in Qualtrics

Tags qualitrics


Collect registrations using a Qualtrics form.


  • Faculty
  • Staff




Create a new survey

  1. Sign in to Qualtrics.
  2. In the bottom left, click Create a new project and then click Survey.
  3. In the bottom right, click Get started.
  4. Type a name for your registration form and then click Create project.
  5. Add text entry questions to collect the necessary details, such as first and last name, department and email.

    Note: You can format the text entry question as a single line under the text type section on the left navigation.

Add workflow for the confirmation message

  1. On the top menu, click Workflows.
  2. Click Create a workflow.
  3. Click Started when an event is received.
  4. Click Survey response.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Under Survey response, click the + button.
  7. Click Add task.
  8. Click email.
  9. Click the down arrow in the To box.
  10. Click Survey question.
  11. Click Email and then click Email.
  12. Type a subject and message.
  13. Click Save.
  14. In the upper right corner, click the X button to close the window.

Distribute the registration form

  1. On the top menu, click Survey.
  2. On the top right, click Publish and then click Publish.
  3. Click Copy link.
  4. Open a new browser tab and paste the link.
  5. Complete the registration and use your own email address.
  6. Verify that you received the confirmation email.


When creating this workflow, there is an option to include a response report in the email. You should consider what type of data you have collected before selecting this option. The email report is unencrypted, so data privacy should be considered. Personal information such as birth dates, addresses, or other sensitive details should not be sent in an unencrypted email.

See the Data Classification policy to see the types of data that need to be protected.