Uninstall CrowdStrike Falcon Antivirus


Use these detailed steps to uninstall CrowdStrike Falcon Antivirus from your Windows 10 or Windows 11 device.

Please note that these instructions only apply to computers that have been permitted to have CrowdStrike removed.  If you receive a prompt for a maintenance token during this process, you will need to contact security@ksu.edu before you can remove it.


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Windows 11

  1. Open Windows Settings:
    1. Click the Start button (Windows flag) in the lower left corner of the main computer screen
    2. Click the Settings (gear icon) from the menu that appears
Windows Start button and Settings icon
  1. In the Windows Settings window, select Apps, and then Installed apps.
Apps link in Windows Settings
  1. A list of Installed apps will appear.  It may take a moment to list all apps.  Find CrowdStrike Windows Sensor and click on the 3 dots on the right, and select Uninstall.
Crowdstrike in Windows Apps & features list
  1. If the User Account Control window pops up, selet Yes.
Uninstall button below CrowdStrike in apps list
  1. A CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Setup - Maintenance Options window will appear.  Click the Uninstall link.
Uninstall link in CrowdStrike Setup Maintenance window
  1. The CrowdStrike window will display a Time Remaining status bar as it uninstalls. A command line (black) window may appear briefly on screen, but will close on its own. When done you will see a CrowdStrike Falcon has been successfully uninstalled message, click Close in the lower right to exit.
CrowdStrike uninstall success message
  1. The Apps & features window will no longer show CrowdStrike.  Click the X in the upper right to close the Apps & features window.

CrowdStrike Falcon Prevent Antivirus has now been completely removed from your computer.

Windows 10

  1. Open Windows Settings:
    1. Click the Start button (Windows flag) in the lower left corner of the main computer screen
    2. Click the Settings (gear icon) from the menu that appears
Windows Start button and Settings icon
  1. In the Windows Settings window, select Apps
Apps link in Windows Settings
  1. A list of installed Apps & features will appear.  It may take a moment to list all apps.  Find CrowdStrike Windows Sensor and click on it.
Crowdstrike in Windows Apps & features list
  1. Click the Uninstall button that appears.
Uninstall button below CrowdStrike in apps list
  1. Click Uninstall again at the This app and its related info will be uninstalled message.  If prompted, enter your computer's Admin login account and password.
  2. A CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Setup - Maintenance Options window will appear.  Click the Uninstall link.
Uninstall link in CrowdStrike Setup Maintenance window
  1. The CrowdStrike window will display a Time Remaining status bar as it uninstalls. A command line (black) window may appear briefly on screen, but will close on its own. When done you will see a CrowdStrike Falcon has been successfully uninstalled message, click Close in the lower right to exit.
CrowdStrike uninstall success message
  1. The Installed apps window will no longer show CrowdStrike.  Click the X in the upper right to close the Settings window.

CrowdStrike Falcon Prevent Antivirus has now been completely removed from your computer.


Article ID: 1149
Tue 2/27/24 4:49 PM
Thu 2/29/24 2:28 PM