Search16 Results

Services or Offerings?
Identity and access management, including accounts, authentication, access to systems managed by K-State IT, and role-based provisioning.

The architecture, installation, and operation of infrastructure items required to offer network connectivity, such as network cabling, routers, and firewalls. Includes connecting devices (including Internet of Things devices) to the network, network access management, securing access to networks, and appropriate authentication (e.g., network registration systems, VPN, and NAC).

Polling and survey offerings used to solicit feedback from a group of individuals for academic or business purposes. Includes application-based, online, and device-specific polling or survey systems.

Practices, frameworks, and technologies that automate, improve efficiencies, and measure the effectiveness of business processes. Includes IT service management; ticket management; operations, business, sales, and marketing management platforms; document and signature management services; customer relationship management; job scheduling; and workflow management.

Information sharing, productivity, and integrated collaboration suites used to create, share, and exchange information. Includes services such as email, video conferencing, calendaring, productivity suites, file sharing, instant messaging tools, and web-based collaborative platforms.

One-way communications and emergency communications to the entire campus or other defined groups. Includes campus alert systems, broadcast email and text messaging, electronic newsletter distribution, and digital signage.

Administration and management of financial services, procurement, travel, budget, vendor relations, and equipment purchasing systems.

Admissions, enrollment, registration, orientation, financial aid, student accounts and collections, advising, and career services systems.

Offerings that provide a secure computing environment. Includes network security, system security, application security, and threat monitoring and management.

Offerings that relate to the management of academic course materials that facilitate teaching and learning (e.g., videos, documents, spreadsheets) and that facilitate teaching and learning using online portals. Includes learning management systems including recording, storing, editing, and publishing lectures.

Support of room and facility systems, including classroom management, building security, safety and risk management, housing and dining systems, point of sale, transportation, and parking systems.

Ensuring that physical classrooms, specialized learning environments, and virtual learning environments are suitably equipped and functional to meet the needs of the education experience. This includes technology located in computer labs and self-service common use spaces.

Report an issue if a component of identity and access management is not working correctly.

Request service regarding eID management, Duo, Active Directory, SSO or to receive access to a system managed by K-State IT.

Request this service to add, extend, or remove access to Qualtrics, or to create a contact list for survey population.