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Copying Final Grades from Canvas to KSIS.
Faculty and Staff can Enter and Approve Final Grades in KSIS
How to request a grade change in KSIS.
Canvas: Exclude an assignment from final course grade.
Shows the steps on how to update Class Grading options in KSIS.
How students can view their grades for current and previous semesters in KSIS.
When a student receives an I or Incomplete as their grade in KSIS, an automated process starts to give those students an additional semester’s access to the Canvas course in which they are received the incomplete to continue working on the course. Instructors do not have to do anything other then set the Incomplete in KSIS. Students who receive no grade or any other letter grade do not fall within this process.
Muting an assignment in the New Gradebook in Canvas.
Understanding Class Associations in KSIS.
Frequently asked Questions regarding TopHat for instructors.
This article shows how ot add or remove an instructor in a class section.
Processing Scantrons with different question sets in Canvas.
Changing variables for selected classes in KSIS during enrollment