KSIS: Access the EAB SSC Advisor Platform from the KSU Advisor Center


Advisors can access the EAB SSC Advisor Platform from the Advisor Center.



The EAB Student Success Collaborative (SSC) Advisor Platform provides critical intelligence on student risk that enables academic advisors to see at a glance which students are in need of intervention. Integration between KSIS and the EAB SSC Advisor Platform enables quick and easy access from within the KSU Advisor Center.

Note: To obtain access to the SSC Platform, send request to admin-access-team@listserv.ksu.edu. It is advised to review SSC Help for assistance with Features, Actions and Workflows.


  • Advisors


  • KSIS


  1. Log in to KSIS with your K-State eID and password at https://ksis.k-state.edu.
  2. Click the KSU Advisor Center tile.

  3. From the All Advisees list, there are two ways to access the SSC Advisor Platform:
    • Click the SSC icon in the Risk column of the student you wish to view:

    • Click the name of the student. Then select Student Success Collaborative from the *Go to drop-down menu. The student's home page in the SSC Advisor Platform opens in a new window or tab.

      Note: If the Student Success Collaborative is not listed in the drop down menu, you do not have access. If you have access but the student is not in the SSC Advisor Platform, you will receive a generic EAB error message.
  4. The student's home page in the SSC Advisor Platform includes:
    • Advisee Overview - an academic summary, major selection, advising and additional information
    • Success Progress - an academic summary, academic notifications and credit accumulation/gpa
    • Reports/Notes - summaries about your student such as advisor notes, reminders, alerts, etc...
    • Class Info - classes, grades, ACT scores and gpa information
    • Major Explorer - academic summary, current major and options for various majors



Article ID: 924
Tue 11/29/22 7:00 PM
Mon 4/22/24 4:37 PM