Original Advisor Center: View an Advisee's Academic History


Advisor's can view advisee's academic history in original advisor center.



Advisor's can view an advisee's academic history in the original advisor center.


  • Faculty
  • Advisor


  • KSIS


  1. Login to KSIS with your eID and password at https://ksis.k-state.edu.
  2. From the Advisor Homepage, click the Classic Home tile.

  3. On the right, under KSIS Links, click Advisor Center.

  4. Click View Student Details for the desired student.

  5. Above the Advisee Student Center, click the academics tab.

  6. In the Academics area, the Institution/Career/Program area displays the student's Program, Plan, and Sub-Plan.

  7. In the Term Summary area, select the desired term to see the students...
    • Enrollment status, Level/Load,...

    • Classes and Grades...

    • and GPA Statistics per semester.



Article ID: 912
Tue 11/15/22 6:28 PM
Tue 5/14/24 2:19 PM