Approving Knowledge Base articles


Process for approving Knowledge Base articles in TDX.



Process for approving Knowledge Base articles in TDX.


IT Staff


K-State IT Service Portal (via browser)


Accessing the knowledge base

  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. On the top menu, click Knowledge Base.

Approving an article

Approving an article consists of reviewing and updating the content, editing settings, and verifying permissions.

Review an update content as needed

  1. Search for the article you need to approve.

    Note: See Searching the Knowledge Base article for tips on how to search. 
  2. Click the link of the article you need to review and approve.

    Note:  Approvers have access to approve all Knowledge Base articles, however, as a business process, should only approve articles under their Owning Group. 

  3. On the right, click Edit Article.
  4. Make any edits needed.

    Note: See Checklist for publishing Knowledge Base articles for editing tips.
  5. Click Update Article.

Edit settings

  1. On the top menu, click Settings.
  2. Verify the Article Summary and Tags have been completed.
  3. In the Status list, select Approve.

    Note: For more information on statuses, see the Knowledge Base Statuses article.
  4. Click Publish to KB (all articles should be Published to be considered complete and live).
  5. Verify the Next Review Date (generally, a year from the date the article is published) and Notify Owner on Feedback have been selected.
  6. Make note of the KB article visibility.
  7. Click Save.

Verify permissions

  1. On the top navigation, click Permissions.
  2. Verify the correct permission are set.

    Note: See Setting custom permissions for a Knowledge Base article for information about setting permissions.
  3. If needed, click Save.


  • The Next Review Date field will be used to notify Owners that articles need to be reviewed and edited or removed. Approvers do not have the ability to delete articles, however, they can archive or reject per the KB Status article.  
  • Knowledge base articles are a great method to communicate information to the campus community and to internal resources that support various services and activities. The TDX KB space may not be a good fit for long-term document storage, document collaboration, and detailed service and support documentation. Please work with your supervisor if you have questions around what method to store longer-term project and service related artifacts and information.  




Article ID: 747
Wed 8/3/22 12:41 PM
Tue 9/19/23 1:54 PM