Students can run a degree audit report in DARS/uAchieve Self Service to determine which classes they need to take to attain their degree. They can access this environment through KSIS.
- uAchieve Self Service
Before running a degree audit, disable pop up blockers in your browser. For information on how to disable pop up blockers, visit the Disable web browser popup blockers webpage.
Running a degree audit report
- Sign in to KSIS with your eID and password.
- Click the Student Center button.
- In the Academics section, click Degree Audit (DARS). This will redirect you to the uAchieve Self Service tool.

- A message will appear requesting you navigate to the new self service tool URL. Click the link to uAchieve (DARS) 5.0 Self-Service tool.

Note: Students skip to step 8, the next three steps are for the advisor user only.
- Advisors only: Before running the audit, you will need to search for the student. Click Students.

- Advisor only: Enter the Student ID (emplID or WID), click Submit. Or search by First Name and Last name, click Search/Submit.

- Advisor only: Click Select to open the student page.

- The student homepage will display the declared (active) program(s) at K-State. Click Run Program. This will run an audit for all programs listed.

- Note: To see what classes are necessary for a different program, click Select a Different Program:, select the desired program, catalog year, and then click Run Program.

- It will take three seconds to process your audit. The manage audit page will refresh every three seconds until the audit successfully generates. Click the Update button to force a refresh sooner than three seconds. Select Stop to halt the generation of the audit. Click Cancel Running Audits to clear your audit queue. If your audits will not generate, please reach out to your Dean's office for assistance.

- Once the audit generates, you will see it populate in the list of completed audit requests. Click View Audit.

- The audit will open in the same webpage. HTML is the default format type for audits. The size of your audit will automatically adjust to best fit your device screen. Click the icons at the top left of the audit to view additional information and create a print friendly view of your audit.

- If you need to print our audit, click the print icon and then use your browser print functionality to print the HTML formatted audit.
- You can run your audit as a PDF by going to the Advanced Settings prior to clicking Run Program.

- The view of your PDF audit will not automatically adjust to your screen size. Either use the +/- icons to adjust the zoom, download your PDF to view in Adobe, or select the print icon for a print friendly view.

Students and advisors are encouraged to run audits whenever they like to view student progress. If you have issues generating your audit, please reach out to your Dean's office for assistance.