Knowledge Base article statuses


A description and explanation of how to leverage KB statuses.



A knowledge article life cycle begins with Not Submitted and progresses through Archived. 


IT Staff


Article statuses

  • Not Submitted - A draft or work-in-progress article.
    • Any technician can create an article.
    • Technicians can continue to edit their own articles as long as the article is Not Submitted. 
    • Anyone in the Owner Group can edit the article.
    • Visible to all technicians.
  • Submitted - An article that is ready for editor review.
    • Before an article is submitted, a technician should verify all the points covered in Style and formatting guide for writing Knowledge Base articles article.
    • Submitted articles can be found in the Articles Pending Review Knowledge Base menu.
    • Group Knowledge Editors can edit and approve Submitted articles owned by their Group.
    • Global Knowledge Editors can edit and approve any Submitted article.
    • Visible to all technicians.
  • Approved - An article that has been fully vetted and approved for use by an editor.
    • Editors should verify that article complies to all the points in the Checklist for publishing Knowledge Base articles.
    • Group Knowledge Editors can continue to edit Approved articles owned by their Group, unless they are also Published.
    • Global Knowledge Editors can continue to edit any Approved articles.
    • Only Approved articles display when a technician uses the Categories to browse the Knowledge Base.
  • Rejected - An article that has been rejected for approval by an editor.
    • While rejected articles can be edited by editors, someone without editing ability will not be able to make changes to a rejected article. If an editor wants a technician to modify and resubmit a rejected article, the editor should first reject the article, then manually change the status back to Not Submitted.
  • Archived - An article that has been retired from the Knowledge Base
    • Archived articles continue to show up in knowledge searches for technicians marked as Archived, but not for other users.
    • Archived articles cannot also be Published. 
    • Archiving articles is the preferred method for removing them from public view, while maintaining the history and record of the article existing.  


By default, articles published to the KB inherit permissions of the category which are viewable to the public (no sign in required).



Article ID: 459
Thu 7/7/22 4:57 AM
Tue 9/19/23 1:57 PM