Printing Schedule of Classes in KSIS


Printing Schedule of Classes in KSIS



Printing the Class Schedule can be done anytime by staff with with access. Perform this procedure when reviewing the current status of an upcoming term’s Schedule or when reviewing a previous term’s schedule in preparation for an upcoming term setup.


  • Staff



  1. Log in to KSIS with your K-State eID and password.
  2. Navigate in KSIS using this path: NavBar > Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule.
  3. Enter an existing Run Control ID or click Add a New Value to create a new one.

    Picture of the Print Class Schedule to use or create a new Run Control ID

    Note: To Add a New Value, the Run Control ID cannot contain any spaces or special characters. A Run Control ID must be entered to run a report.
     Field Name  R/O    Description
     Run Control ID   R

     If the selected Run Control ID does not exist, click Add a New Value and enter the name to create it.
     Example: SchedPrint


  4. Click Search to to view Print Class Scheduler or click Add, if adding a new Run Control ID value.

    Picture of the Print Class Schedule area with criteria

  5. As required, complete/review the following fields.
    • R = Required.
    • O = Optional
      Field Name  R/O   Description
      Academic Institution R

       Kansas State University, indicated as ‘KSUNV’.
       Example: KSUNV (Kansas State University)

      Term R

      Semester in which classes are offered. Terms are identified by a four-digit number where the first digit represents the century, the second and thir digits represent the year, and the final digit represents the semester (2 for Spring, 4 for Summer, 5 for Fall). I.e. Spring 2008 = 2082, Fall 2007 = 2075.

      Example: 2072 (Spring 2007)

      Academic Organization Node R

      Determines at which level in the K-State academic hierarchy to print classes. Choices are: Academic Department, College, or all of Kansas State University.
      Example: 00000 (Kansas State University)

      Session O

      Periods of instruction within a given term.
      Example: 1 (Regular Academic Session)
      Note: For Summer, all classes are NST (NonStandard)

      Schedule Print R

      Chooses which classes to print. This field utilizes the Schedule Print field from the Class Section setup page.
      Choices include:
      · All – Includes all classes, regardless of the value of the Schedule Print field.
      · No – Includes only those classes where the Schedule Print field is set to No(unchecked).
      · Yes– Includes only those classes where the Schedule Print field is set to Yes(checked).
      Example: Yes

      Print Instructor in Schedule Chooses which classes to print. This field utilizes the Print field from the Class Section-Meetings page.
      Choices include:
      · All – Includes all classes, regardless of the value of the Print field.
      · No – Includes only those classes where the Print field is set to No (unchecked).
      · Yes– Includes only those classes where the Print field is set to Yes (checked).
      Example: Yes
      Print by Campus  O

      Indicates whether or not to sort Class Schedule output by Campus.
      Remember that K-State is only using one Campus in KSIS (KSU). To sort classes by DCE, Manhattan, Olathe or Salina, use the Print by Location field below.
      Example: (left blank) 

      Campus O

      "KSU". The Campus in KSIS is used to designate entities that use a single transcript, course catalog, and other academic differences. The Salina and Continuing Education classes are designated as Locations in KSIS.
      Example: (left blank)

      Print by Location O

      Indicates whether or not to sort Class Schedule output by Location.
      Example: (left blank)

      Location Code O

      Code used to designate which Location to include in the Class Schedule.
      K-State is using 4 Location values:
      · MAN (Manhattan)
      · MCE (Manhattan DCE)
      · OLT (Olathe)
      · OCE (Olathe DCE)
      · SAL (Salina)
      · SCE (Salina DCE)
      Example: (left blank)

      Class Status O

      Select one of more class statuses to include in the printed Class Schedule.
      Example: Active, Stop Enrl

  6. Click Report Options.

    • The default selections should provide all class data necessary. If desired try other options as well. 
    • It is also recommended to check the Report Only option so reports are not stored on the server.

      Picture of Report Options with default options highlighted
  7. As required, complete/review the following fields:
    Field Name  R/O   Description
    Print Meeting Pattern/Instr O

    Include meeting pattern and instructor for the Class in the report.
    Example: Checkmark

    Print Meeting Pattern Topic 

    Include meeting pattern topic in the report.
    K-State is not using this field in the Class setup. Leave this option unchecked.
    Example: (Blank) 

    Print Class Attributes 

    Include Class attributes in the report.
    Example: (Blank) 

    Print Class Notes Include Class notes in the report. 
    Example: Checkmark
    Print Global Notes  Include Class global notes in the report. 
    Example: Checkmark
    Print Sections Combined  Include combined sections in the report.
    Example.: (Blank)
    Print Class Characteristics O

    Include class characteristics.
    K-State is not using this field in the Class setup. Leave this option unchecked.
    Example: (Blank)

    Print Class Enrollment O

    Include class enrollment numbers in the report.
    Example: (Blank)

    Print Class Nbr for Non-Enroll O

    Include the class number for components set to Non-Enrollment in the Class setup.
    Example: Checkmark

    Print Requirement Designation O Print class requirement designation.
    Example.: (Blank) 
    Print Reserve Capacities O

    Include reserve capacities in the report.
    Example: (Blank)

    Report Only 

    Creates the report without generating an associated .csv file for the report.

    Warning icon Always check this value.
    Example: Checkmark

    File Path 

    Allows saving the output to a file to a directory ON THE KSIS SERVER in addition to normal report.
    This option will be removed once the Report Only box is checked.
    Example: (left blank) 

  8. Click Run to open the Process Scheduler for processing of the Class Schedule Print request.

    Picture of the Print Scheduler Request page with Server Name and Schedule of Classes KSU highlighted
  9. As required, complete/review the following fields:
    Field Name  R/O  Description
    Server Name   R

    K-State only uses PSUNX server.
    Example: PSUNX

    Recurrence O

    Allows for scheduling of the requested report.
    This is not recommended for use at this time.
    Example: (left blank)

    Run Date R

    Date to run the report.
    This defaults to the current date.
    Example: 01/29/2007

    Run time R

    Time to run the report.
    This defaults to the current time.
    Example: 2:41:57PM

  10. Check Schedule of Classes (KSU) (WSR201). This selects the K-State specific Class Schedule.
  11. As required, complete/review the following fields:
    Field Name  R/O  Description
    Type R

    Method for distribution of the report.
    For now use only Web type. Other types may have unexpected results.
    Example: Web

    Format R

    Format for the distribution of the report.
    We recommend using PDF format. For this report, the Excel format will look exactly like the PDF format, which is more intended for viewing than for electronic manipulation.
    Example: PDF

  12. Click OK.
  13. Click Report Manager.

    Picture with the Report Manager link highlighted
  14. Click the Administration tab.

    Picture of the Report manager with Administration highlighted
  15. Perform one of the following:
    If Then
    Status of the Request is Posted   Proceed with Step 15.
    Otherwise Click Refresh until status changes to Posted.
  16. Click Schedule of Classes (KSU).The system will now open another window and launch a PDF document (or whatever format was selected). 



Article ID: 285
Fri 6/3/22 8:04 PM
Sat 11/4/23 11:34 AM