Running a report in KSIS


Running a report in KSIS.



Various reports are run in KSIS, each with their own purpose. This article outlines the basic steps required to run a report in KSIS. The steps will be slightly different for each report. Before running a report, you need the appropriate KSIS permissions to access that specific report.


  • Staff
  • Faculty


  1. Navigate to the desired application menu item/report location in KSIS.
  • For example, Print Class Schedule report {see below}
  • Select Report and then click the required report name.
    • When you select a report name, you can choose from these two actions:
      • Add a new run control ID.
      • Select an existing run control ID.
  1. The Print Class Schedule report path is:  NavBar > Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Print Class Schedule.

    Picture of the path to Print Class Schedule report
  2. Enter a Run Control ID and hit enter. You can add one if you do not have a Run Control ID.

    Picture of the Print Class Schele screen with Run Control ID highlighted
    • If you don't remember your Run Control ID, click Search to view existing Run Control IDs.
    • Click Add a New Value to create a new Run Control ID.
    • A run control ID must be used to run any given report.
      Field Name  R/O/C  Description
      Run Control ID R

      The name is given to a series of settings used to run reports.  Many Run Control IDs can be saved for the same report, each with different settings.  If the selected Run Control ID does not exist, click Add a New Value and enter the name to create it.

      The format of a Run Control ID can be as simple as a person's initials or more descriptive, such as ClassReport.  A Run Control ID cannot include any spaces.

  3. The related report settings (RUN Control ID) appear. Enter report criteria as needed for your specific report and click Run.

    Picture of the Class Schedule report criteria
  4. Select PSUNX as the Server Name.
  5. In the Process List area, select the box by the desired report.
  6. Click OK.  This saves your settings and starts the reporting process.

    Picture of the Report Process Scheduler page
    Field Name  R/O/C    Description
    Server Name R Select PSUNX only.
    Recurrence  O Allows for scheduling of the requested report.   Not recommended for use at this time.
    Run Date R The date to run the report.  It will default to the current date.
    Run Time R Time to run the report.  This defaults to the current time.
    Type R Method for distribution of the report.  Included are File, Email, Print, and Web.  Use the Type of Web.  Other Types of output may have unexpected results.
    Format R

    File Format of the report.  Use either the PDF or CSV format.

    Depending on the report being run, you can use either format.  Use the PDF format for the Class Schedule report, as it is intended for viewing only.  For reports where data needs to be manipulated, it is recommended to use the Excel (CSV) format as intended for electronic manipulation.

  7. Note the Process Instance number assigned to the report request. Click Report Manager to continue.

    Picture including the Process Instance and Report Manager Link highlighted
  8. Click the Administration tab to see if the report is ready to view.
    • If the Status says Posted, click the link in the Description column to view the report.
    • If the Status says anything else, click the Refresh button until it says Posted.

      Picture of the Administration tab with Description, Refresh and Status highlighted
  9. Click Schedule of Classes (KSU) (the name of the report in the Description column).
    • The system opens another window or downloads a PDF to view the report.
    • If a PDF document does not open, the report has no data.
      This usually means that the settings in the Run Control ID produced no results. In some cases, as in some Class Schedule error reports, the absence of a report indicates that there are no classes in the report. 


For additional information on the Report Manager area, visit



Article ID: 275
Fri 6/3/22 7:08 PM
Wed 1/3/24 3:21 PM