Microsoft Teams message retention schedule


Microsoft Teams Message Retention Schedule.



The Microsoft Teams Message Retention Schedule is the plan of action for the period-of-time specified records will be retained.


  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff


Function Timeframe Description
Person to person chat 30 Days Chats are informal and quick conversations between two or more parties. They are not intended to be retained long term. Chats over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Teams Channel Messages 365 Days* Channel messages are posted inside of Team sites. Channel posts are for projects, daily tasks, office updates, etc. They are used to facilitate long term conversation and collaboration. Conversations over the retention time will be silently dropped.
Recover Team Sites Timeouts 30 Days The time from when a Team’s site is deleted and when it can be safely recovered.
Video Calls Not Saved Recordings from video calls are not saved unless configured on a per call basis.

*Shorter retention can be set for individuals, offices, etc. upon request and approval by IT.

NOTE: Files shared in chat are stored in each person's OneDrive that are in the chat. However, as per the retention schedule, the links will no longer be available. You can still access the files in your OneDrive.

See the K-State Official Retention Schedule for more information on records management. The Series ID for Internal Memos - Routine is 0059-000.




Article ID: 254
Thu 6/2/22 7:36 PM
Wed 8/21/24 7:52 PM