Using Zoom within Microsoft Teams


Using Zoom within Microsoft Teams.



Using Zoom within Microsoft Teams.


  • Faculty
  • Staff


The Zoom app must be installed before you can use it in Microsoft Teams. Zoom in Microsoft Teams can be used in three different ways:

  • Using the Zoom App
  • Using meeting extensions
  • Using the Zoom meeting bot

Using the Zoom App

Pin the Zoom App to the Teams App bar

  1. On the App bar, click  ...

  2. Click Zoom.

    Note: Currently, apps do not stay pinned to the App bar, so you will periodically have to repin it if you want to use the Zoom app this way.

Manage meetings

You can Start a Meeting, Schedule a Meeting, Share Screen, and see a list of your upcoming meetings from the My Meetings tab.

  1. Click My Meetings.

    Note: If this is the first time to use Zoom within Teams, you will be asked to sign in to Zoom and then grant Zoom permission to access specific Microsoft data.

  2. Start a meeting, schedule a meeting, or share your screen.

Using the Zoom Messaging Extension

Once Zoom is installed on your MS Teams, the Zoom icon will appear in your chat toolbar. Clicking on the icon will allow you to start or schedule a meeting.

Using the Zoom Meeting Bot

Zoom can be added to a Team or a Chat as an App. Once added, Zoom will be available in all of a Team's public channel(s) or the specific Chat as a bot. You will then be able to use Zoom commands (by typing @Zoom), followed by one of the commands below.

  • @Zoom start - Start an instant meeting
  • @Zoom start [topic] - Start an instant meeting with a topic
  • @Zoom join [meeting ID] - Join a meeting with a meeting ID
  • @Zoom help - Show a list of supported commands
  • @Zoom logout - Logout from Zoom on all your Teams' channels




Article ID: 250
Thu 6/2/22 6:44 PM
Wed 8/21/24 7:51 PM