Details how to obtain a SAS license for K-State departments, faculty, staff, and students.
Microsoft Windows only
Check the list of supported operating systems.
- Open the Request Software and Application Distribution form.
- In the Which software do you need to add/change/remove a license list, select Statistical Analysis Software (SAS).
- In the What do you need to do? list, select License a new named individual.
- Fill out the rest of the details of the request.
- Click Request.
- An invoice will be issued upon receipt of the completed request form.
- Within seven days of receipt of payment (KSU Interfund Voucher or KSU Foundation check), you will receive an email with instructions to access the software.
- K-State renews the SAS site license annually. Each year, the Division of Information Technology will send current departments a renewal invoice in August. Upon receipt of the payment, the licensee will be sent a license-extension password. The important dates are as follows:
Date |
Explanation |
July 31 |
Expiration date for the agreement between K-State and the SAS Institute. |
Sept. 1 |
Expiration date for agreements between K-State and students, faculty, staff who have licensed SAS. |
Sept. 30 |
Date that the software starts warning if expired. SAS programs continue to run normally, but they will produce a warning message. |
Oct. 29 |
SAS stops running unless the renewal invoice has been paid. |
- A current, valid K-State eID is required.
- Students may access SAS at no charge through the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons or lease SAS with departmental approval and payment directly through their department business office.