Requesting an SPSS license


Informational article on how to request or obtain a license.



Details how to obtain an SPSS software license.


  • Faculty
  • Staff


  • Windows
  • Mac


  • To request a license, submit a Request Software and Application Distribution Request form specifying SPSS. An invoice will be issued upon receipt of the completed request form. Within seven days of receipt of payment (KSU Interfund Voucher or KSU Foundation check), the licensee will receive an email with instructions on how to access the software via a mapped network drive.
  • K-State renews the SPSS site license annually. Each year in November, the Division of Information Technology will send departments a renewal invoice. Upon receipt of the payment, the licensee will be sent a license-extension password. The important dates are as follows:
    Date Explanation
    Nov. 30 Expiration date for the agreement between K-State and SPSS.
    Nov. 30 Expiration date for agreements between K-State and students, faculty, staff who have licensed SPSS.
    Dec. 31 Date that the software starts warning if expired. SPSS programs continue to run normally, but they will produce a warning message.
    Jan. 31 SPSS stops running unless the renewal invoice has been paid.


AMOS and other SPSS add-ons are available for purchase. Contact for more information and to request a quote.



Article ID: 232
Wed 6/1/22 9:07 PM
Wed 10/25/23 3:00 PM

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