If you need to schedule a follow-up appointment for a student, use the following steps.
SSC Navigate
- Log in to SSC.
- On the Staff Home page, search for the student.
- On the ride side of the student page, click Schedule an Appointment.
- Select the appropriate care unit, location, and service. For Tutoring Services, these are Tutoring at K-State Manhattan Campus, AAC Tutoring Services - Holtz Hall, and Course-based Tutoring, respectively.
- Type the course code under course. (Ex. Biol-198, Math-100)
- Select an Organizer from the tutors listed with the times they are available for the selected course.
- Under Choose a Time to Meet, select 30 minutes for the length.
- Use the displayed conflict/free calendar to select two 30-minute slots, which begin and end during the half hour.
- Click Save appointment.