Installing Adobe Suite Shared Device license


Installing Adobe Suite Shared Device License



Installing Adobe Suite Shared Device License


  • Faculty
  • Staff


Adobe Suite


IT sysadmins can install the software using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Applications/Apps/X drive on your computer, \\catfiles.users.campus\apps$. Note: If you do not see the Adobe folder, put a TDX request in.
  2. Open the folder "Adobe Creative Cloud Device License Packages." 
  3. Copy the folder for the purchased software package onto the computer where the software is installed.

        Note: This will be a compressed folder, .zip. 
  4. Extract the files by clicking on the folder and clicking Extract all at the top of the window. (shown below)

  5. Once you have the folder on the desired computer, navigate to the "Build" folder. And run setup.exe.

        Note: The full Adobe CC Suite install can take several hours. Just let it run until it completes. 
  6. Once it completes, delete the computer's zip file and the extracted files. 


If the installation fails, try the following:

  1. Check that the Operating System is Windows 10 1803 or newer. If not, the OS will need to be updated. 
  2. Run the "Adobe Acrobat Windows" installer again.
  3. Run "Setup" again.

If the installation continues to fail: 

  1. Uninstall all currently installed Adobe Products in Add/Remove Programs. 
  2. Run Adobe CC cleaner. You can download the tool here
  3. Run cleaner until nothing remains. You may run it 3 or 4 times. 
  4. Restart the computer. 
  5. Try the installation again. 


IT sysadmins can install the software using the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Applications/Apps/X drive on your computer (cmd k), //catfiles.users.campus/apps$. Note: If you do not see the Adobe folder, put a TDX request in.

  2. Open the folder "Adobe Creative Cloud Device License Packages." 
  3. Copy the folder for the purchased software package onto the computer where the software is installed.

        Note: This will be a compressed folder, .zip. 
  4. Extract the files by double-clicking on the .zip file.
  5. After it's unzipped, navigate to the "Build" folder.
  6. Run "MacOS Adobe CC Shared Device Package_Install.pkg".

        Note: This can take several hours. Just let it run until it completes. 
  7. Once it completes, delete the computer's zip file and the extracted files. 


If the installation fails, try the following:

  1. Run the "MacOS Adobe CC Shared Device Package" installer again.
  2. Rerun the installer package.

If the installation continues to fail: 

  1. Uninstall all currently installed Adobe Products in the Application folder. 
  2. Run Adobe CC cleaner. You can download the tool here. (Scroll down to the MacOS version)
  3. Run cleaner until nothing remains. You may need to run it more than once. 
  4. Restart the computer. 
  5. Try the installation again. 





Article ID: 212
Wed 6/1/22 7:14 PM
Thu 10/12/23 3:52 PM

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