KSIS NEW Fluid Course Search: Searching for Classes


How to search for courses in the KSIS NEW Fluid Course Search option.


Searching for Classes in KSIS {Fluid View}

We recommend using Firefox/Mozilla as the preferred search engine for the best use and views. Please Turn off any Pop-up Blockers you may have turned on.

For the Public, Faculty, Staff, or Prospective Students we recommend going to the following link:

Public KSIS Course Search NEW Fluid View

For Students with eID access to KSIS:

  • Sign in to your KSIS Student Center with your eID and password. 
  • Click on the Manage Classes Tile


  • Click on Class Search
  • Click on the desired Term in which you want to search for classes.


Search Options

The following Search Box will appear: Think of this like a “Google” Search, you may not know the exact name of an item, but it will search by keywords, courses, subjects, etc 

If you know the exact Subject and number of the course or want to search by a specific Instructor, click on the Additional Ways to Search link.

The following pop-up box will appear:

   Method 1: Enter a Search Option

Click on the Arrow at the end of the Search for Classes Box

On the right-hand side of the page, you will get the results of any K-State Course affiliated with the search option you chose.


On the left-hand side, you have the ability to narrow down the search in different ways.

Available Options are:

Class Status




Instruction Mode

Academic Session

Class Attribute

Requirement Designation

Class Meeting Days

Class Start Times

Class End Times

Number of Units/Credit hours

Class Component


To go back and restart your search or to see the previous list, click the Class Search Option in the upper left-hand corner.

Choosing Your Course

  • If this is the course you want, click on the course to see the Class Selection information.

  • The following details will appear.


To see the Course Description, click on the Course Information Option

To see additional Notes or items affiliated with the Section, click on the Class hyperlink (Course/Section Reference Number).

The following pop-up box will appear – showing the following items:

Meeting Information

Enrollment Information

Class Details

Class Availability


Select Class to add the course section to your course Shopping Cart.

   Additional Search Options:




Article ID: 1147
Wed 2/14/24 3:18 PM
Mon 2/26/24 2:40 PM